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The PDF driver in Naas allows you to generate PDF files from web pages or HTML content. You can use the get() method to generate a PDF from a URL or HTML.

Get from URL

To generate a PDF from a web page, provide the URL of the page along with the desired filename. Use the get() method to generate the PDF.

import naas_drivers

url = ""
filename = "google.pdf"
naas_drivers.pdf.connect().get(url=url, filename=filename)

This will generate a PDF file from the specified URL and save it with the provided filename.

Get from HTML

If you have HTML content that you want to convert to a PDF, provide the HTML string instead of a URL. Again, use the get() method to generate the PDF.

import naas_drivers

html = '<a src="">test</a>'
filename = "google.pdf"
naas_drivers.pdf.connect().get(html=html, filename=filename)

This will generate a PDF file from the HTML content and save it with the provided filename.


You can also create a PDF object by connecting to the PDF driver. This allows you to reuse the object to generate multiple PDFs.

import naas_drivers

pdf = naas_drivers.pdf.connect()

url = ""
filename = "google.pdf"
pdf.get(url=url, filename=filename)

By connecting to the PDF driver, you create a PDF object that can be used to generate PDFs multiple times. Please note that when running Naas locally, you may need to set the SCREENSHOT_API environment variable or connect to the PDF driver first.