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📲 Content Creation



Streamline the generation and distribution of content that aligns with the user's or business's brand voice and audience engagement goals.


  • Extract saved posts and articles from a personal page to generate ideas.
  • Extract LinkedIn posts performance from company and personal page.
  • Track reach of posts daily


  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Use content performance data to understand how well the content aligns with the company's branding and marketing strategy.
  • Marketing Teams: Manage the content lifecycle and optimize strategies based on analytics.
  • Content Creators: Craft and refine ideas into engaging content.
  • Data Analysts: Analyze content performance to inform future strategies.


  • LinkedIn: Profile or Company page URL, for data collection and idea generation
  • Buffer: Account for scheduling and distributing content across multiple social media platforms
  • Email System: List of recipients for distributing daily reports to stakeholders are informed of content performance metrics and insights.


  • IDEAS table: Capture ideas from various sources like LinkedIn posts, voice memos or any notes.
  • POSTS table: Tracks and understands the content published on social media.
  • Content Assistant Report: use the tables to calculate metrics and generate assets like charts and files for ad-hoc analytics (csv, png, html)
  • Content Assistant Plugin: use the report assets and integrate them into the chat and the search engine for end-user consumption.


Generate and Manage Ideas

  • Capture: Save Posts on LinkedIn to feed the content IDEAS table.
  • Brainstorm: Engage with your content assistant to brainstorm and refine ideas and generate posts draft.

Convert Ideas into Actionable Content

  • Transition from Ideas to Post: Use slash commands “Buffer_Send_text_to_idea” for sending an idea to Buffer, this idea can be then used inside Buffer to create different posts depending on the platform.
  • Repurpose Posts on multiple platforms: Buffer can also be used to reuse the idea to create posts on different social media platforms.

Analyze Content Published

  • Work with the POSTS Table: Analyze content metrics in the POST table, including reach, interactions, engagement scores, key topics, tone, sentiment, targets.
  • Leverage Content Insights: Use daily notifications and content assistant for strategic adjustments based on content performance analytics.


  • Follow posts from a given LinkedIn profile to generate ideas.
  • Search relevant posts from keywords on LinkedIn to generate ideas.
  • Generate ideas from OpenData tracker.
  • Automatically repurpose successful posts
  • Send ideas and posts to Notion
  • Create weekly/monthly performance reports in slides and email notifications.


  • January 2024 - Get LinekdIn posts stats from Profile and Company page in POSTS table
  • February 2024 - Add tones, topics, sentiment, CTA to POSTS table
  • March 2024 - Get saved posts and articles to generate ideas
  • April 2024 - Get voice memos from iCloud to generate ideas
  • May 2024 - Get YouTube videos transcript to generate ideas / Follow YouTube publications stats
  • June to September 2024 - Get content from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok